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H 1056 Budapest Szerb u. 17. tel: +36-1-317-8711
H 1136 Budapest Tátra u. 15/b. tel: +36-1-320-9965
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Privacy policy

1. General terms

The purpose of data handling: The Service Provider collects personal data from Users if the User decides to register or otherwise provide details or contact the Service Provider via an online registration form.

Visitor makes a clear and voluntary consent to the registration, recording, storage of personal data for provider to provide service, improve quality of service and handle it to the extent necessary.

Form of data collection: fill in and submit a form on the page. The Service Provider asks for the name, telephone number, address, e-mail address of the interested (User). By submitting web forms, the User agrees to keep the Service Provider's personal data recorded, stored and serviced to the extent necessary to provide the service or to improve the quality of the service. The purpose of data management is to send offers, send a newsletter, buy product or service.

When browsing, only anonymous information will be recorded about which sub-pages the visitors are viewing, what features they use or trying to use. These data will help you operate and further develop the site and maintain a smooth operation.

In accordance with the law it is possible for the Service Provider to provide information on the processing of visitors personal data to the User, to correct the personal data of the User and to delete or block the personal data of the User.

The Service Provider on request informs the User (holder) of the data he / she handles, the source of the data, the purpose, legal basis, duration of the data processing, the name of the data processor, the address and the data management related activities.

Cancellation or correction of data can also be requested from the above contacts or there is a possibility to raise objection againtst data management.

Name of the authority acting on data management:

National Privacy and Information Authority (1125 Budapest, Erzsébet Szilágyi fasor 22 / c; +36 (1) 391-1400; ugyfelszolgalat[a]naih.hu)

The User  may, in the event of violation of his or her rights, initiate court proceedings

2. Cookie (HTTP cookie)

This website as the majority of websites uses HTTP cookies.

Cookies can have several functions. Collect data, remember user settings, make the use of website easier. The provider can for example track which part of the website is the most popular, which subpages are clicked the most, etc.. This is important becaust the provider can adjust its service to the visitors demand.

Most borwsers have an option if user accepts cookies. You can also set notification in the browser about the website storing cookies. You can delete cookies when you close your session.

What is a cookie?

The cookie is a small text file which is stored by the browser. There is no executable code inside. The cookies can be deleted any time and they usually expire after a certain period.

3. IP addresses

The IP address is to identify computers on the Internet. When you connect to the Internet you will get an IP address from your Internet provider. It is possible to track back from the IP address which provider was responsible for the connection at a given time. The IP address may change in time.

More information about IP addresses :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address

This website might store IP addresses.

Purpose of data handling

Track errors, log errors, identify and lock out malicious users, system abuse.

The IP address is stored in these cases:

  • Login of registered users
  • Login attempt
  • System error
  • Outgoing email
  • Some qualified database operations


4. Internal modules, components

4.1. Login, registration

Visitors can register on the website to become a registered user. After registration visitor can log into the system and will have a personal account. In the personal account the following data can be stored:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Address

Purpose of data handling

Buy service or product, remember software settings.

Duration of data management

Until withdrawal (delete account)

User can delete account any time

4.2. Sign up for newsletter, fill in contact form

You can fill out a contact form or sign up for newsletter on the website. On submission you have to enter the following data

  • Név
  • Email cím
  • Telefonszám (optional, depends on settings)

Purpose of data handling

Contact visitors, answer questions, send sales/marketing newsletter if signed up.


Duration of data management

Until withdrawal

The entered data can be deleted with an unregister link

5. External, third party software

5.1. Facebook 'like'

The 'Like button' or 'Like Box' on this website is operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd.

Facebook Ireland Ltd.

4 Grand Canal Square Grand Canal Harbour

Dublin 2 Ireland

The privacy policy of Facebook Ireland


If you don't want this website to communicate with your Facebook account, please log out from Facebook while browsing this website.

5.2. Google Analytics

Provider measure traffic on the website with Google Analytics service. Google Analytics stores several data during the visit, as visitors operational system, browser type, which pages for how long time are visited, if the search comes from a search engine result. The Google Analytics data is neither capable of retrieving personal data of the visitor, nor for identification of the visitor, but can recognize later which websites were visited from that computer.

For the analization Google uses cookies as described above.

Purpose of data handling

Record visited pages, record visit time, help Google search engine to rank websites more precisely. If you wouldn't like Google to load Analytics you can install an addon to your browser from Google which blocks Google Analytics.


The provider of Google Analytics is:

Google LLC
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

The privacy policy of Google:



6. Complaint Handling

Provider will investigate complains within 3 working days

Compliants could be addressed to the provider (address above)

Visitor has the following option to hand in his/her compliant:

On telephone (oral form)

Email, postal letter (written form)

Oral complains are accepted on working days between 9:00 and 17:00 on agreed dates. Written complains accepted continously.

By means of a consumer complaint relating to the service, the visitor may initiate the procedure of the National Privacy and Information Authority, The Consumer protection authority, The National Media and Advertising Authority.

National Privacy and Information Authority

1125 Budapest, Erzsébet Szilágyi fasor 22 / c; +36 (1) 391-1400; ugyfelszolgalat[a]naih.hu)

The Consumer protection authority:

H 1364 Budapest, Pf. 144; fogyved_kmf_budapest[a]nfh.hu

The National Media and Advertising Authority:

H 1525 Budapest, Pf., 75; info[a]nmhh.hu

7. Cookies

7.1 Essential cokies

Name Description Expiry
banner-xxx Top banner image number 24 hours


Temporary storage of form data 3 hours
main_lang Choosen language 30 days
PHPSESSID Session identifier Session lifetime
privacy_accepted Privacy settings accepted, simple mode. 6 month
privacy_accepted_performance Privacy settings performance cookies accepted, strict mode. 6 month
privacy_accepted_marketing Privacy settings marketing cookies accepted, strict mode. 6 month
privacy_accepted_all Privacy settings all cookies accepted, strict mode. 6 month


Webshop order identifier. Needed for purchase without registration. 48 hours

Remark: When you visit the website, not all the cookies listed above will necessarily be stored. These cookies are not suitable for storing personal data.

Allow performance cookies
Allow Google Analytics cookies
Allow marketing cookies
Allow Google advertising cookies
Allow Google personalized advertising.
Sending user data related to advertising to Google.
Allow all cookies