Flatpoint - downtown specialist real estate agency
H-1056 Budapest, Szerb u. 17., tel/fax:+36-1-317-8711 info[a]lpo.hu
H 1136 Budapest, Tátra u. 15/b. tel/fax 36-1-320-9965 info[a]tatraingatlan.hu
Category: For rent Price: 850 €/month
Type: flat Subtype: brick
Contact: Fenyves Csilla
Common costs: 25 HUF Heating: House-central (w.meter)
Number of rooms: 3
A spacious, 75 sqm unfurnished apartment with 3 rooms is available for rent in Nagy Templom utca, near to Corvin plaza. The location is excellent regarding public transportation, the Semmelweis klinikák metro stop is just 5 minutes from the flat. Immediately available. Pets allowed, however 3 months deposit required in this case.